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Spectravideo SVI318/328 Game Cartridge

UNKNOWN (At the computer)

30 PIN FEMALE EDGE at the computer.

Pin Name
1 +5v
2 +5v
3 A7
4 A12
5 A6
6 A13
7 A5
8 A8
9 A4
10 A9
11 A3
12 A11
13 A10
14 A2
15 A0
16 A1
17 D0
18 D7
19 D1
20 D6
21 D2
22 D5
23 D3
24 D4
25 CCS3
26 CCS4
27 CCS1
28 CCS2
29 GND
30 GND
Contributor: Rob Gill
Source: SVI 328 mk II user manual
Please send any comments to Joakim �gren.